Friday, May 4, 2012

Did you know... levitating socks?

After a couple of grumpy posts, I'm still grumpy. I'll get back to purposeful blogging soon.

In the meantime, there's this...

Did you know you can hold socks up on the wall with the power of your mind?

Well, now you do.

Enjoy the weekend, if you can.

If not, remember this too shall pass.

Mwahs to you.


  1. That is an awesome skill! I think ?

    It's a pity they can't be levitated to the laundry :-/

    Thanks for joining in this week :-)

    1. Just shows what wood splinters can do on wood panelling ;-)

      Thanks for reading!

  2. I recently steamed past Grumpy town, by way of Insanityville and stopped briefly at Manic Boulevard before plunging headlong into Depression Canyon, so take your time by all means, I'll meet you at the exit :)
