Wednesday, October 9, 2013

We're moving lily pads!

Gird your amphibian loins, Frog-Lovers. On Friday the gorgeous Kelly Exeter is moving the lily pad across from Blogger to Wordpress and onto OzBlog Hosting.

Kelly is all shades of awesome and not only has mad technical skillz, but gives excellent hugs.

In the meantime, I had another natter about superannuation over here. Please go have a read. Your 65-year-old self might thank you.

I'll leave you now with this, until Friday. 

Have you ever been complisulted?

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

It's almost Christmas

Hello my lovelies.

Welcome to October!

Next stop: Christmas! Ha ha! (Kill me).

Before you murder me in a pre-Christmas, where-has-the-year-gone homicidal rage, here are some wise, wise, hilarious, wise words from the wonderfully wise and hilarious Tim Minchin.

Take care of yourselves and see you around the pond, Frog-Lovers.